Saturday, December 29, 2007

2008 and my goals for the new year.

A lot of people always say that, "This is my year, or that good things are going to happen to me this year", but I'm not pulling one of those. I mean I hope good things happen, but I'm just hoping for a solid year of living healthy and creating and working on new and exciting projects. I've been eating super healthy, and I've been working out a little bit, and its taken me a year to do so, but I've finally got a solid sleep schedule down which makes a HUGE difference. I went through a long period of only sleeping 4-5 hours a night, and after a while that really takes a toll on you, and I am convinced it takes years off your life (or at least feels like it does).

I'm really excited about this year because I feel as though I finally have everything set up here in New York, and now I have somewhat of an idea of what I am doing and where I want to go, which is a great feeling. I moved to New York a little over 1.5 years ago, and I am finally at the point where I'm starting to figure it out a little bit. I just moved into a great new apartment about 2 months ago. Its way bigger and nicer, and closer to transportation than my last place. My comedy is going the best its gone since I started doing stand-up almost 3 years ago (still nothing in this game though), and I am all around just getting better at living healthy and staying positive. I've also got a great group of friends here in New York, some from high school, some from college, and then people I've met since I've been here, and its great to have that many great people around.

So, I guess all in all, for 2008 I just want to continue on the path I'm on. Not any real goals or resolutions, but just to continue creating new original work, having fun, living healthy, and enjoying life.

On a side note, I'm planning to post some new videos on my myspace page in the next few months. I've got some cool sketches and videos that I'm working on, and perhaps I'll try to throw up a stand-up clip of some new material I've been working on.

Alright, I guess that's it for now. Thanks for tuning it. Check you next time.
