Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Wednesdays With Weiss"

What's Up! How is everyone doing. Lots of great thing happening on this end. Hope the same rings true for you as well. I've been working super hard lately. I'm doing more stand-up spots than I've done in a while, and I'm exhausted. Its a ton of work, but I really love it.

I'm thinking about getting into reading some more books, so if anyone has any great suggestions out there, then let me know. I'm really into inspirational books and ideas that help make us better people. I've been doing a ton of writing too. Time feels as though it is going faster than ever. I feel like months go by, and I have no idea what I did.

Technology is getting crazy these days. I can't even keep up with it at all. I feel like right when I buy something they come out with a new version the next week. Even if you try waiting for the new version of a product, the next week they have a better version out. I ride the train everyday, and almost every single person has a handheld device that they watch/listen to as they ride. Its kind of weird how isolated we are getting. We all each just live in our own world which we create through sound and video. Pretty funky.

The presidential elections and whatnot are into fullswing, and I have to say that I don't really care so much at this point. People spend so much time arguing about politics, it kinda bothers me. I was a political science major in college, and finally I just gave up. The one thing I figured out about politics is that most people have no idea what they are talking about. People get into debates, and then they just shout out terms and facts, and it just becomes a contest to see who can throw out the most facts from the 60's and 70's and sound smarter than the other person.

Also, most of the time when people argue politics, I feel like I can't even follow the issue being discussed because people have no idea what they are talking about and just jump around all over the place, so once again its just a big contest to try and feel superior compared to the person you are debating. Also, I think its far too soon to really talk about who will be the front runner, blah, blah, blah. It changes all the time and we never know until the last minute anyway. Remember Howard Dean? Everyone thought he was the man, then he went HEEEYAAAAH! and his campaign was over. Anyway, I suppose I'll give my prediction. Its going to be Hillary vs. McCain, with McCain as the next president of the United States.

P.S. Global warming is not real. And if it is, then great, because the weather here has been so much warmer and pleasant than it should be this time of year.



Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Wednesdays With Weiss"

This is the second installment of "Wednesdays With Weiss". I'm super tired right now, as it is 12:55am, and I am writing this from a secondary location other than my apartment which means I am going to be up for a while tonight, but I want to be dedicated to this blog and keep it on schedule, so here it is. I'm working super hard. I've got so many projects going on its wild, but I love to be working. As long as its something I enjoy, I'll do it all day long. When I'm working on something I love, I produce really fun and creative work.

I feel like I have really been learning a lot in the past few weeks. I don't know why exactly, I just feel like my brain is changing and getting better and quicker, which is great.

This weekend should be nice. I'm filming for 2 different projects on Friday, and then I have a show on Sunday at Botanica which is an excellent show run by my boy Josh Filipowski, and I'm also filming a bit for a third project on Sunday as well.

The weather here in NYC has been awesome the last couple of days. Its been in the 50s and 60s which is great. Sorry, I guess this blog really isnt about anything, but whatever, I guess noone is forcing you to read this, but you keep reading anyway. Weird right.

Oh, I read an excellent book last week. Its called "Driven From Within: Michael Jordan". Basically, this book confirmed what I had already thought, that Michael Jordan is the man. His basketball is great, but I just find his drive and his mindset amazing. He works so hard, and is so focused, its inspiring to read. I highly recommend this book. Its easily one of the top 5 books I've ever read.

Alright, I've rambled enough. I'm going home and going to bed. Hope you are having a great week. Find some time to relax this week. Don't spend it all working and feeling stressed. Find time to hang with friends and enjoy life. Its short.



Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wednesday Night Blog

Yo, Yeaaaaah!. I'm starting this new thing where I'm going to be blogging every Wednesday night, so tune in. Exciting news. I'm trying something new in a few minutes. I'm switching from an electric razor to shaving cream and regular razors. I'm 24 years old, and I've never done it the real way, so it should be an interesting experience. Sad right? I'm a bit nervous as I have no idea what I am doing. I watched 3 videos on myspace on "How to Shave", so hopefully that will prepare me for the battle. I also purchased a Gillette Sensor 3, which I guess is a good razor. I don't know, I really have no idea what I'm doing. And I also got Edge Shaving Cream for "Clean" Skin or something. Dude ("dude" meaning both the male and female peoples of this world), all I know is that there are like 12 different kinds of shaving cream. They have it for thick beards, regular beards, rough skin, sensitive, extra sensitive, etc. I don't really understand why they have sensitive and extra sensitive. Who's going to be like, "I'd like sensitive, but not extra sensitive"?

Yesterday was a great day. I had 3 shows last night, and they all went really well which is nice. It may be the first time I've done 3 shows in one night and they all went well. Usually I'm 2 for 3 or 1 for 3, sometimes 0 for 3, but last night I was 3 for 3 - solid sets all around. Feels nice.

I have a lot of projects that I am currently working on, which feels excellent. I've had many times where I wasn't working on anything or I didnt have too many projects, but right now I have more than I can handle, and it feels really nice to actually have a bunch of projects to look forward to.

On a side note, its super cold out today. The wind chill right now is 3 degrees, and tomorrow the windchill is not going past 11 degrees. Its too cold here. I'd move to LA in a heartbeat if it wasn't for stand-up, but the truth of the matter is, New York is the king capital of stand-up. All the best comics come out of here, and its worth being cold to be around the best of the best. Lots to learn.

My stand-up act is getting better and better. My material is slowly getting dirtier, yet its getting funnier as well. I'm working on cleaning it up, but most importantly its funny. Its such a learning process.

Also, I'm in the process of looking for a ladyfriend that may want to come along on the Weiss journey for a little while. Here's what I'm looking for, so if you think you're a candidate here goes:

This first one may term a lot of people out. I'm looking for a twice-a-week girlfriend. I don't need someone that is going to bother me everyday and make me stay on the phone for hours for no reason. I'm looking for someone that wants to maybe catch dinner on Wednesday nights, and then maybe a dinner, movie, a walk, conversation, etc. on Friday's or Saturdays. Also, you have to be smart, pretty, fun, and just all around cool (of course, you never here anyone go, "You know, I'm looking for a fat, ugly, boring, dumb chick. Do you know where I can get one of those?" - so I guess that statement was obvious). I've recently gone on a healthy streak, so if you're into exercising and eating well, then that's cool as well. You should be about my height. I'll go a few inches lower, but if you're like 3 - 4 inches taller than me, then you're out, because then I can't look you in the eye. I'll be looking at your chin, which is weird. Above all, you have to be cool.
Some people might say, "Hey, but Lance, you aren't that good looking yourself, how can you make so many demands". Go write your own blog.

Whoo, I'm also trying this new thing where I'm taking a risk a day. I've decided that we all live in a comfort zone, and we rarely go outside of it, but if you take a risk everyday, then your comfort zone will expand, and you will be able to do and achieve more.

P.S. If you've read this far, please post a comment so I know someone read this. I know there is some loser temping at Loreal or a real estate office that has nothing better to do. "Oh my gosh, that is so true". I'm a genius.

Thanks for reading.