Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Wednesdays With Weiss"

This is the second installment of "Wednesdays With Weiss". I'm super tired right now, as it is 12:55am, and I am writing this from a secondary location other than my apartment which means I am going to be up for a while tonight, but I want to be dedicated to this blog and keep it on schedule, so here it is. I'm working super hard. I've got so many projects going on its wild, but I love to be working. As long as its something I enjoy, I'll do it all day long. When I'm working on something I love, I produce really fun and creative work.

I feel like I have really been learning a lot in the past few weeks. I don't know why exactly, I just feel like my brain is changing and getting better and quicker, which is great.

This weekend should be nice. I'm filming for 2 different projects on Friday, and then I have a show on Sunday at Botanica which is an excellent show run by my boy Josh Filipowski, and I'm also filming a bit for a third project on Sunday as well.

The weather here in NYC has been awesome the last couple of days. Its been in the 50s and 60s which is great. Sorry, I guess this blog really isnt about anything, but whatever, I guess noone is forcing you to read this, but you keep reading anyway. Weird right.

Oh, I read an excellent book last week. Its called "Driven From Within: Michael Jordan". Basically, this book confirmed what I had already thought, that Michael Jordan is the man. His basketball is great, but I just find his drive and his mindset amazing. He works so hard, and is so focused, its inspiring to read. I highly recommend this book. Its easily one of the top 5 books I've ever read.

Alright, I've rambled enough. I'm going home and going to bed. Hope you are having a great week. Find some time to relax this week. Don't spend it all working and feeling stressed. Find time to hang with friends and enjoy life. Its short.



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