Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Camping Trip

Just got back from a fantastic camping trip this past weekend. Went on probably the best hike I ever gone on. Usually, I am not one for hiking because I picture just walking through the woods, but this hike was awesome. We went through caves, by a 200 ft waterfall, and walked along the edge of cliffs. It was some tough terrain too, with a ton of rocks, roots, and hills. I just want to thank all of my friends on the camping trip and the new friends I made for a great time.

Did 2 shows at Carolines last night, both went well. I'll be at Carolines again at 9:30pm tonight if anyone wants to stop by. Should be a good show.

Just relaxing right now. Sitting in my apartment. The weather is starting to get a little cooler, and so far its great, not sure about winter though. Alright, guess that's it. Later,


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