Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Perhaps There Is No Answer

I often spend time wondering what its all about. Why we are here and what is the point of everything. Ever since I can remember, I have always felt that there is something more, something missing, that things just aren't quite right, that things never will be right, and wondering if things will ever be perfect.

I think I have recently come to the realization that things never will be perfect, things never will be right, and there will always be something in life that feels just a little off. I am constantly telling myself things like, "If I just didn't have this one thing bothering me, everything would be alright". I think I have just figured out that this is not a possibility. Even when we attain that one thing that we think will make us happy or that one thing stops bothering us that we think leads to perfection, we find out that something else pops up and becomes our major concern, or problem of which to rid. I, (like I believe many other people do in their lives), have always shot to be the best, shot for perfection and have everything be just right.

Well, I think I'm done with that. I'm going to try out this new philosophy. I'm going to try and take things for what they are and enjoy every day to the best of my ability. I have learned that we just have one worry or primary need that often fills our mind, but weeks later it is a different need or worry. Basically, what I have learned is that no matter what is bothering me right now, or what huge worry I have on my mind, it most likely won't be there down the road because it will be replaced by another worry or thought all together; therefore, I am taking a stance, and I am going to enjoy today for whatever it is, with all its imperfections and things that I don't wish were there or that I wish didn't happen to me. Perfection is not possible in this life, so I'm going to face life head on, the good and the bad, and do my best to make the most out of what is given to me.

I've realized that its not going to be the perfect journey that I had planned out for myself. I think we as humans tend to see our lives way too far in the future. We focus on what we can get in the future, what life will be like next week or 5-10 years down the road. The reality is that life will not go as you planned. In fact I bet it won't even be close to what you planned. When I look back over my past, my life has gone so much differently than I had planned, and I mean this in all ways. I have had so many good things happen to me that when I think about it, it doesn't even seem fair, and I definitely take them for granted. Yet, I have also had some things happen to me, that were I in control (which I am not), I surely would have chosen a different outcome. I would be surprised to hear a single person on this planet say that their life has gone exactly as they planned.

So, I guess in conclusion, the real answer is to just take today for what it is. The good, the bad, the things you wish weren't there and the things that really are there, and be thankful for the things you do have. Sure, its important to stop and reflect in life every now and then, but the real answer is in doing right now. Enjoying this moment, enjoying this day. I have realized that I can't control everything, but I am going to do my best to control the things I can. I'm giving it my best shot.

Hope everyone is having a great day, and thank you for being my friend. If you are reading this, I consider you my friend.

Now get out there and enjoy today!!! That's what I'm about to do.

-Lance Weiss


Anonymous said...

I think the one thing you should be wishing for right now is to write a more interesting blog. Haha just kidding dude. You truly are very weiss.

Anonymous said...

i really agree with you, but i wouldn't have been able to put it into words as well as you did. i enjoy reading your ideas on life!

Abbi Crutchfield said...

Your idea mirrors a concept I keep reading about lately: happiness is determined by your attitude towards hardship. If someone hurts your feelings, choose not to hold a grudge. If you don't get what you wanted, change what you want. Make the most of things.

They say it helps you live longer, better and it's also a habit of successful people.

Or you can get a girlfriend.